Today was a busy day, went to Woman's Aglow meeting this morning and heard a good word from the speaker as well as got a referral for counseling which I was not expecting. Afterwards went to lunch, then came home where I spent some time getting some thank you letters out to some good friends of mine who have helped me promote "The Little Book - Alcoholism, Drug Addiction & Recovery Made Simple!", which you can buy at my store. Anyway after that, I went to UPS to send off the letters as well as packages of books to other folks. Then I went to church where I do some volunteering with the kid's ministry. We had some rowdy kids who were older than our younger kids. I did a quick prayer asking God how to handle this "mixed group" of different ages, and instantly the idea of "play charades" flashed in my mind. Well the idea worked well in reeling in the kids, especially the older ones. As it turned out the older kids had never played charades. We then did our Bible lesson which all were attentive too. As I was rapping it up, it occurred to me (that still small voice) to pray and ask God to physically touch each of the kids as well as reveal his "Shekinah Glory" which is a supernatural "gold-like" glitter substance that forms on people sometimes when you ask God for it. I prayed for it, and God was faithful to reveal a "little bit" of this substance on the hands of some of the kids. After my time with the kids was over, I went out for coffee with friends. When I left them it was about 10:30 pm. I drove home, and by the time I pulled into the driveway it was about 11:00 pm. As I open the door to get out, the Holy Spirit tells me to "go up to the Cross", which is at THE COMING KING FOUNDATION prayer garden in Kerrville. So I hopped back in the car and drove over there expecting several people to be there. When I arrived, I found no-one at all was there. I felt like I was to stay for awhile, so I got out of the car and went up and sat inside of the 77' 7" steel cross. God put several things on my mind, especially praying for the blessing of the Hill Country of Texas and its people. I prayed in the Spirit for a little while when finally I felt a "release" to leave. It was now about 11:30 pm. | As I got into my car to leave, immediately a truck and a car drove up to the top of the plateau where The Cross is. The Holy Spirit nudged me to walk over to the truck. As it turned out, it was filled with a woman, and her sister and her partner, and two kids who came from S.A. to see the Cross after seeing it on the TV news the day before. The other group was coming from a wedding. I asked them all if they would like to "see" God's Shekinah glory . . . I prayed for them and most of them were instantly covered with the "golden glitter" substance on their hands and arms. They were all rather shocked about it, but it did get their attention to the reality of God. When I asked them if they knew Jesus, they all responded "yes". When I asked if they had any prayer needs they immediately started sharing different situations. I prayed with them for those needs to be answered . . . now its up to God to see what He is going to do in their situations. Now as it relates to life situations, look at the little adventure with God that I would have missed out on as well as the 8 people who came to the Cross at 11:30 PM if I had disregarded that voice when I was in my driveway which asked me to "go to the Cross" - and instead just jumped in the shower and then gone to bed? What have you been missing and are missing out on by not being connected to God / Higher Power and/or being obedient to His voice? Think about it . . . God bless you! CJD |
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Christopher James