Quit using Marijuana? Its natural, won't harm you! Really?
The following are real life people who are/were using Marijuana on routine basis who decided to quit for a variety of reasons. Information is being provided for you to consider whether or not your marijuana use is "really working for you" as well as and understanding that if it becomes an addiction in your life, these WILL BE the consequences of continued use in your life! The format for these posts are 1) short demographics of the person, 2) their drug of choice, 3) benefits of using Marijuana, and 4) the negative consequences that occurred which caused them to want to quit.
- 21 yr, white woman; MARIJUANA; benefits of use: "makes me feel sleepy,
also gain acceptance from other friends who smoke MJ." Reason to quit: "Nervous breakdown; family stress." - 22 yr, white man; MARIJUANA; benefits of use: "Let's me escape from reality." Reason to quit: "Started spending rent money for drugs, & then started not liking who I became." - 26 yr, white man; MARIJUANA & COCAINE; benefits of use: "Gives me confidence and makes me feel liked and wanted." Reason to quit: "Being arrested, and being rejected by wife." - 27 yr, white man; MARIJUANA; benefits of use: "Short term solution to life's problems." Reason to quit: "Continued to avoid things that caused me pain or guilt instead of dealing with them or changing behaviors. Problems delayed became much worse and more complex." - 28 yr, white man; MARIJUANA & COCAINE; benefits of use: "Helps me socialize and feel comfortable in social settings. Takes away anxiety, gives me confidence." Reason to quit: "Have lost control . . . can't stop on my own anymore." |
- 31 yr, white man; MARIJUANA; benefits of use: "Relieves anxiety & stress."
Reason to quit: "Losing my loved one if I don't quit." - 37 yr, white man; MARIJUANA & METH; benefits of use: "Makes me feel calm & in control." Reason to quit: " Confrontation with wife, quit or divorce." - 51 yr, white woman; MARIJUANA & Alcohol; benefits of use: "Gives me energy when I am tired, relieves stress." Reason to quit: "Unhappy, frustrated with how my life has turned out! Having difficulties relaxing, concentrating & coping." - 53 yr, white man; MARIJUANA; benefits of use: "Energizes and enhances mood for social situations and use habitually after work to unwind." Reason to quit: "wife's concern about excessive use and increase in use." |