Well I am posting from a hotel lobby in Kerrville where I am staying with my dad who came into town today. Has been a "wild" Holy Spirit day of being "in the flow" with God. It started with me waking up and just focusing on praising God and thanking Him for another day. After a time of doing that, a picture was formed in my mind of a gift bag being given to me. As I was looking in this bag, I noticed it was full of unusual jewels . . . I wondered who this bag was for . . . I then heard a voice say that the bag and its contents were for me. I suddenly realized that God was entrusting me with some unusual jewels. I felt God's joy rise in me and became excited about what was going to happen to me for this day. After breakfast in the hotel, I "felt led" to take Dad over to "THE COMING KING FOUNDATION" prayer garden where the big 77' 7" empty cross is. We met my daughter's mother there, where I scooped up my little one and proceeded to the top of the hill where the "Kerrville Cross" is. At the top we had an unexpected meeting with a stranger named Bobbie, who had set up an entire music DJ system with speakers all around "The Cross". Very reverential praise and worship music was playing loudly, filling the air with the "Sound of Heaven". We talked with Bobbie for at least 30 minutes in which he described his journey to "THE Cross". He had been "told" by God to get in his car and drive to Kerrville without knowing why. Upon his arrival, he saw "THE Cross", and the Holy Spirit told him to come up to the cross at the top of the hill and set up HIS Music. As it turned out, he was not a "flake" but a nationally recognized producer of Christian music in the National Christian community. The more we talked, the more I knew this man was being used by God to create an atmosphere for God to come visit Kerrville in a physical manifestation of his power. These were things that a group of us have been praying for and about for several years for Kerrville, but of course Bobbie did not know that! | After this "divine appointment", with Dad having been touched by this man's testimony of blind obedience and resulting supply by God for this man's journey, we all went back to the hotel for a swim. I was able to call the founder of THE COMING KING FOUNDATION, Max Greiner, and another prophetic woman of God friend of ours to come to lunch at the hotel after our swim . . . both of their schedules were "divinely" open and they agreed to meet up with us. At lunch, discussions ensued about Bobbie, about God, about the many tangible touches of God on planet earth in modern times - "Welsh Revival", "Azusa Street", "The Toronto Blessing", and "The Brownsville Revival" and how it appeared Kerrville was being "set up" as the download for a great move of God. As lunch was breaking up, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about having Max and our lady guest and myself pray over my dad for a spiritual impartation and an increase of the Holy Spirit's presence in Dad's life. Everybody agreed to do this, and Dad willing accepted this. We went out on the porch of the hotel restaurant where we had a prayer meeting that I think forever changed my dad's life. All I can say is the Holy Spirit showed up in a big way, and my Dad was visably touched. Look forward to tomorrow to see more of the results of this "touch" on Dad's life. The rest of the day, I guess God gave us a pass for just loving on each other. Dad and I and my daughter had great fun with each other. I had a little test though dealing with my sudden loss of my cell phone. That was easily handled though when I chose to turn that inconvenience over to God so as to continue in the flow of loving on my family - went to the park with my Dad and little girl; then went to get some soda drinks; and then went down by the river, having fun walking along it; and then winding up at a restaurant for dinner. None of this was "planned" by "me", I was just finding "the flow" of the Holy Spirit and following it. But this day, was just another typical "3rd Step Day"! I pray for you that YOU find HIS flow for you today. Of course, it all starts with getting your "DAILY BREAD" from Him in the morning. Take care! CJD |
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Christopher James